Over 179 Thousand Tons of Contrabands Detected, Seized in Last FY1402 – MoF’s Customs Officials

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6 May 2024

In addition to the provision of crucial facilities in the country’s customs by the MoF, corruption has been seriously eradicated and contrabands have been strictly prevented.
Based on this, ‘the mobile surveillance staff’ of the General Directorate of Customs of MoF prevented a large number of low-quality goods and prohibited contrabands in different provinces of the country in the last FY1402.
The brave staffs of customs of MoF have seized 178,194 tons of inferior and prohibited goods in different areas of Kandahar, Nimroz, Farah, Khost, Paktia, Herat, Helmand and Nangarhar provinces, including medicine, agricultural and Yunani (Herbal) medicines, edibles, illicit drugs and so on.
According to the customs of the country, the contrabands that were smuggled to Afghanistan from neighboring countries, especially from Pakistan, have been seized and the perpetrators have been identified to the relevant authorities.
Currently, the mobile surveillance staffs of the General Directorate of Customs are monitoring and patrolling all the highways of the country constantly and do not allow anyone to smuggle, particularly the goods that halt the growth of domestic industry.